Nothing Happened – Buhaha haha haa ha !!

Was you afraid of

this so called

doomsday ?


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Some more people say

December 1, 2009 1 comment

Scientists do it all the time. Based on the mass of the sun, the amount of fuel left in it, and the rate it’s burning, we can gain a pretty good timeframe as to when it’ll burn out and what will happen.

Astronomers have also mapped out the heavens and solar system, including known trajectories of all moving objects. Meteors, asteroids, planets, moons, comets and even space debris. And wait until you see what NASA discovered.

The famous 16th century seer, Nostradamus,
foresaw the revolutions in France and Russia,
the rise and fall of Hitler, the 1970’s Arab
power rise, the Pope’s attempted assassination
and many more events.

His descriptions often gave the actual names
of places and people, the exact dates and
other specific details.
Let’s also remember that ancient sailors used to navigate by the stars, knowing full well the patterns that would emerge each night and the directions they lead.

Nostradamus and other prophets throughout history have foreseen events with remarkable accuracy, hundreds and even thousands of years in advance.

The clues are all there.

We’ve witnessed pandemic outbreaks before. We know the H1N1 “swine flu” virus could mutate into something much worse. If not H1N1, then perhaps a drug-resistant strain of bacteria. We’ve known about these so-called “superbugs” for a long time.

When you think about it, sometimes it’s easy to wonder why we DON’T predict more major events!

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Earth’s Wobble has stopped

December 1, 2009 1 comment

The Chandler wobble was first discovered back in 1891 by Seth Carlo Chandler an American astronomer. The effect causes the Earth’s poles to move in an irregular circle of 3 to 15 metres in diameter in an oscillation. The Earth’s Wobble has a 7 year cycle which produces two extremes, a small spiraling wobble circle and a large spiraling wobble circle, about 3.5 years apart. The Earth was in October 2005 moving into the small spiraling circle (the MIN phase of the wobble), which should have slowly unfolded during 2006 and the first few months of 2007. (Each spiraling circle takes about 14 months). But suddenly at the beginning of November 2005, the track of the location of the spin axis veered at a very sharp right angle to its circling motion.

The track of the spin axis began to slow down and by about January 8, 2006, it ceased nearly all relative motion on the x and y coordinates which are used to define the daily changing location of the spin axis.
One interesting implication is the likely increase in tectonic activity which may follow during the next 20 years or so. The last major anomaly in the MIN phase of the X WAVE was during 1936, which induced a major phase shift and sharp change in direction of the drift of the pole. Following that anomaly, the frequency of 7.0 plus quakes nearly doubled from some 18 per year to over 30 per year. The year following the anomaly saw many major increases in volcanism. We are likely headed towards a similar 20 year season of increase in tectonic activity, beginning with a major increase in volcanism during 2006-08 and the occurrence of more 7.0 plus quakes, even as many three per month for many years afterwards. This activity, combined with the effects of Global Warming on the creation of Super Storms, are likely to keep the news channels quite busy.

This anomaly will be of significant interest to fans of Edgar Cayce, the famed sleeping prophet. He predicted during the mid 1930’s that a new cycle of the shifting of the poles would begin in 2000/2001 and thereafter an increase in the “upheavals” in the Earth. Since this anomaly has appeared in a “cycle” of Chandler’s Wobble which began in 2000, just after the completion of the MIN PHASE in 1999, we are now seeing Cayce’s prediction fulfilled with remarkable fidelity.

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December 1, 2009 Leave a comment

LONDON, England (Reuters) — Wobbles or variations in the Earth’s orbit and tilt are associated with extinctions of rodent and mammalian species, Dutch scientists said on Wednesday. They studied rodent fossil records in central Spain dating back 22 million years and found that the rise and fall of mammal species was linked to changes in the Earth’s behavior which caused cooling periods. “Extinctions in rodent species occur in pulses which are spaced by intervals controlled by astronomical variations and their effects on climate change,” Dr Jan van Dam, of the Utrecht University in the Netherlands, said. The researchers found two cycles corresponding to the disappearance of rodent species. One lasts 2.4 million years and is linked to variations in the Earth’s orbit. The other is a 1.2 million year cycle relating to shifts in the tilt on the Earth on its axis.

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According to geologists

December 1, 2009 1 comment

According to some geologists and scientists, we are in the middle of a deadly 11,500 year cycle when the ice age comes back. The start of the cycle is marked with a Polar reversal, super volcanic activities, massive earthquakes, Tsunamis and nasty hurricanes. 11, 500 years back, the last ice age happened and what we have started experiencing – all happened. In the last one year the earth experienced the largest three earthquakes in the last two hundred years. The under water volcanoes and earthquakes have gone up 88% over the last three years. The continental earthquakes have gone up by 62% during the same time frame. The rate of increase of these earthquakes and volcanoes when drawn against time is staggering

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Movie Doomsday 2012

December 1, 2009 Leave a comment

As some of you may have discovered Sony Pictures is making a movie abouyt 2012. The trailer for the movie is super cool. It shows 3 thousand foot waves cresting over mountains and destroying everything in their path.Its not clear yet what the plot will be but after poking around their website I beleive they will focus on PlanetX. They also point you to the IHC – A nonprofit organization that has been predicting doomdsday events for 2012. The IHC, backed my billionaiers, has been trying to develop underground shelters at safe zones all over the planet. They also offer anyone the chance to join them via a lottery system. You can read more about in ton their web site. Here is a quick email they sent recently to our staff here at Pole Reversal. “As the Communications Director of the Institute for Human Continuity, I’d like to thank you for taking an active role in preparing yourself for 2012. Please note your ticket is only valid for one person. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you encourage your friends and family to register for lottery numbers at The IHC has uncovered evidence indicating that the disasters of 2012 are both real and unavoidable. We believe with 94% certainty that exactly four years from today, cataclysmic events will devastate our planet and many who inhabit it. December 21, 2012 cannot be ignored.” Scarry stuff – if of course this group was real….Its just a publicity stunt Sony dreamed. The IHC is not real. With that said I have been thing now for a long time that we need to organize our efforts to do the same thing. I beleive its possible to build undergound shelters that are 100% isolated from the surface conditions. I’m not talking backyward tornado shelters. I’m talking about huge underground cities that are self sufficient and can house thousands. At some point in time – the earths surface will be wiped clean of 99% of all life. It has happend before and it will happen again. The earth itself is the ultimate protection. Shelters placed deep enough below the surface would not be affected by floods, fire, sub zero weather, plagues, wars, etc. Each city would become its own time capsule…And at set dates/times would return to the surface to explore, repopulate, etc.

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Changes on earth…

December 1, 2009 1 comment

From Hurricane Katrina to the Indonesia Tsunami, from 9/11 to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, from earthquakes and floods to record droughts and California wildfires, from the recession to the healthcare and housing crises — the list goes on…

So while most scholars are in agreement that something will happen in 2012, ask twenty different people what and you’ll get twenty different answers.

That’s because, while there’s sufficient evidence to support the notion of a major crisis or catastrophe, the information we have just doesn’t pinpoint the cause.

James Paul Wagner

December 1, 2009 15 comments

We are trying to gather data about 2012.  We got the following from another source. And got comments. interesting……


James Paul Wagner, U.S. Research Consultant says on Tuesday, 3:47 PM

Dear Fellow Truth Seeker,

If you’re sick of all the conspiracy theories and “sky is falling” half-truths out there about the year 2012, then this is the most important report you’ll ever read.

Why? Because I, too, had been searching. Searching for some real answers behind the 2012 mystery. And what I discovered will both amaze you and perhaps even frighten you a bit.

You see, I can only reveal what I’ve discovered and leave it up to you to decide what to do with the information. I won’t sugarcoat the truth. I refuse to water it down or offer any “feel-good” new age predictions about any of it.

That’s because my unique position has allowed me to tap into the countless research the US government has already done about the year 2012, at great expense to them.

I’ll have more to say about that in a moment, but first…

You’ve probably heard many of the theories floating around out there about 2012. Maybe you Googled 2012 or began reading up on the subject. Perhaps you’ve wondered if there’s any truth to it, and what that truth might mean.

I’m here to tell you that 2012 is a very real threat to our civilization as we know it, but also a tremendous opportunity for those in the know.

  • The orbit of Nibiru, also known as “Planet X”, is on a potential collision course with earth and will pass within a few miles in 2012, bringing destruction in its wake.
  • “Global Coastal Phenomena” will begin gradually, but by April 2011 the situation will get much worse. Unusual movements of the Moon brought on by anomalies in the magnetosphere could cause severe coastal disruptions.
  • A massive crisis begins in late 2009 or early 2010. Israel may bomb Iran, or H1N1 “Swine Flu” could mutate into a level of extreme lethality. Following this crisis, the Obama administration will be immediately thrown into chaos.
  • An asteroid will collide with the earth, making the tsunami that hit Indonesia in 2004 look like a pond ripple by comparison!
  • The earth’s core will cease to rotate, due to a natural or manmade phenomenon. The result is the total breakdown of this planet’s protective magnetic shield against the deadly solar radiation that constantly pounds the atmosphere.

I could go on, but they only get scarier from there. Some of the theories are even quite ridiculous. Our sun exploding or turning into a black hole. A reverse “Big Bang” that created the universe. Brain-eating zombies. Flesh-eating mutants. You know, Hollywood stuff.

No, the real threat is something far more innocent. But it also gives a big “leg up” in the world to those who understand it.

You see, the truth is, in 2012 something is going to happen. It’s already starting to happen. Experts disagree on exactly what that something is, but even the cynics out there can’t ignore the compelling evidence that continues to pile up even today…

It’s No Coincidence That Every Major (And Minor) Religion…
Every Organization With Far-Reaching Roots In History…
Have Seen This Coming

December 21, 2012.

It’s been predicted and foreshadowed throughout history that a life-changing, major event will happen.

What if all these cultural and secular sources are right about earth’s final day?

  • The Ancient Chinese I Ching said history would end in 2012
  • In the 16th Century, English prophetess Mother Shipton predicted doomsday in 2012
  • On December 21, 2012, the Mayan calendar will complete its thirteenth cycle. According to the ancient Mayan prophecy, the world will end on that day!
  • The Bible, Nostradamus and the Hopi Prophecy all predict planet-wide doom as well

It doesn’t take a seer or scientist to see that events around the globe have become more turbulent in recent times.

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Magnetic Pole Drifting

November 30, 2009 2 comments



As predicted by the mayans 2012 Doomday may be just aroudn the corner!


According to scientist  the Earth’s north magnetic pole is drifting away from North America so fast that it could end up in Siberia within 50 years . The magnetic poles are different from geographic poles, the surface points marking the axis of Earth’s rotation. The shift could mean that Alaska will lose its northern lights, or auroras, which might then be more visible in areas of Siberia and Europe. Magnetic poles have been known to migrate and reverse. “This may be part of a normal oscillation and it will eventually migrate back toward Canada,” Joseph Stoner, a palaeomagnetist at Oregon State University, told a meeting of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in San Francisco. Wandering poles Previous studies have shown that the strength of the Earth’s magnetic shield has decreased 10% over the past 150 years. During the same period, the north magnetic pole wandered about 1,100km (685 miles) into the Arctic, according to the new analysis. The rate of the magnetic pole’s movement has increased in the last century compared with fairly steady movement in the previous four centuries, the Oregon researchers said. The Oregon team examined the sediment record from several Arctic lakes. Since the sediments record the Earth’s magnetic field at the time, scientists used carbon dating to track changes in the magnetic field. They found that the north magnetic field shifted significantly in the last thousand years. It generally migrated between northern Canada and Siberia, but has occasionally moved in other directions. Rate of change At the present rate, the north magnetic pole could swing out of northern Canada into Siberia. If that happens, Alaska could lose its northern lights, or auroras, which occur when charged particles streaming away from the Sun collide with gases in the ionosphere, causing them to glow. The north magnetic pole was first discovered in 1831 and when it was revisited in 1904, explorers found it had moved by 50km (31 miles). For centuries, navigators using compasses had to learn to deal with the difference between magnetic and geographic north. A compass needle points to the north magnetic pole, not the geographic North Pole. 2012 Doomsday Mayan Calender Pole Shift Pole Reversal Doomsday 2012 Doomsday.